What inspires me...
Well, Everything
There is meaning in my work, even if I only intend to make you laugh. Growing up with a carpenter for a father and a mother who sculpted and painted exposed me to a life of creativity early on.
Inspiration? Well, I have always been inspired to create and everything seems to inspire me. Not sure where the inspirations come from but I do draw on everything around me to manifest these ideas. I love open spaces and sunlight. I create pottery that reflects the life found within all things. I only know the magnitude of these inspirations when I am forced to squelch the urge. I have learned it is best to live in an environment that is hospitable to the flow of ideas.
I love to combine thrown and hand built forms. There is something very satisfying in blending these two methods while maintaining a sense of balance. I have started working with Raku and Terra Sigillata. I really enjoy the idea and process of painting with smoke and fire. My path to becoming a full-time potter has not been a traditional one and it has been filled with detours but never deterred me. Things I have failed to learn, things I managed to learn and the people I have met along the way have shaped my work into what it has become today.
Kelly is a full-time potter working in a rural area about 50 miles southwest of Kansas City.
Kelly first exhibited at the Kansas City Art Institute at the age of 17. Graduated from the University of Kansas and has taught pottery to people of all ages.